Monday, November 4, 2013

My new Camera in Review: Canon 6D [test images and videos inside]

As I have mentioned in my Halloween post, I have an announcement. That's why I'm breaking the pattern of the Budapest visit posts. While in Budapest I bought a new Camera, and it's the Full Frame Canon 6D. There are a couple of reasons why I'm talking about this.

First, the images from this point on (including the rest of the Budapest images) will be from the new Camera, so I wanted to let everyone know, that the quality will be even better.

But also, I wanted to talk about photo gear itself. I have never talked about the gear I have and take photos with, because I'm a firm believer (and still are), that It really doesn't matter what equipment you have. If you have "the eye" for shots, your talent will be able to show through. Does a good camera help you in that: yes; is it absolutely necessary: no!

I have been using a Canon 350D for the longest time, and have reached a point where I grew as a photographer and needed to take that extra step further with the Canon 6D, which is a fully professional camera. And that's really the only reason for the upgrade. 

I'm still discovering the many new features of the camera and did some test shots, once I got it. The 6D is praised for being great in low light, so that's why there is less light in these test shots, since I wanted to try it out.

Here is a shot from our apartment in Budapest during our stay. I deliberately turned off the lights in the hallway, and the camera managed to get all the details.

This next shot really shows the strength of the camera. A subject (the metro) is moving at great speed behind another subject, and the camera really did manage to focus on my sister in a split second, and still get great focus. This way I'm able to do shots, I wasn't really being able to do before,

The Canon 6D is also known as a good HD video camera. I did some test shots with it too, and I'm really amazed at the high quality HD footage it yields.

Test Footage: Coca Cola

Test Footage: Budapest at night

Test Footage: Metro

I hope you'll like the improved quality, and that you are looking forward to the next parts of our Budapest stay, called "A Night in Budapest", that include some of the best night photography I have done to this date.


  1. congrats, mersad! the photo of your sis w/ the moving train is fantastic!

  2. I am so happy for you.. and trying hard not to be envious... maybe just a tad envious.. if i traveled like you do i would get one to... but since i rarely leave home or my city i can't.
    i could hear the bubbles of the coke and that last one on the people mover is AWESOME... no shaking, clear focus on the people in front, i felt like i was riding with you.... and the low light photos WOO HOOOOO. can't wait to see what your new gear did at night.

    1. The camera is really a beast when it comes to low-light and nightphotography. I plan on trying the bulb mode out at shoot star trails!

  3. CONGRATS my friend....succes with this new camera.

    Greetings, Joop

  4. I am so happy for you and the shots you took with your new camera are fantastic...I look forward to seeing the rest of the ones from Budapest.

    1. Thanks nancy. I have already edited them, and they will be up tomorrow.

  5. Wow, supercoole Qualität.
    Hehe, ich muß lachen, wenn Ausländer immer so begeistert von diesen steilen, langen Budapester U-Bahnrolltreppen sind. :-)
    Deine Portraits sind auch so klasse, ich habe schon in deinem Blog ein bißchen zurückgeblättert. Sag mal, wie hast du es gemacht auf dem dritten Bild, daß rechts die Frau so scharf ist, aber gleichzeitig auch links die Türklinke, wie konntest du zwei Sachen so ziemlich weit von einander genau so scharf fokusieren?? ;-) LG

    1. Wir waren nicht nur Begeistert von der Metrorolltreppe, sondern auch erstaunt, wegend er Geschwindigkeit! :) Der Grund warum im dritten Bild die Türklinke auch Scharf ist, liegt daran das sie auf der gleichen Ebene ist wie die Person. Das heisst, wenn ich auf die Person fokusiere, wird auch alles andere scharf was in der gleichen Linie liegt. Hoffe das hilft!

    2. Super, das Bild gefällt mir sehr gut!!! Ich habe "nur" Digitalkamera, damit schaffe ich nicht alles, was du kannst. Gruß

    3. Ich finde deine Bilder aber trotzdem gut. Danke für die Komentare.

  6. WOW! I can tell you are very pleased with the 6D! I look forward to seeing the photos you take with it!

  7. I think the 6D is a good choice. I've had my EOS 40D for quite awhile now, Not sure if I'm going to upgrade or not. Your photos are fabulous!

    1. The 40D is a good one, I guess the main reason for my upgrade was the full frame sensor.

  8. Great photos, Mersad! I am so happy for you...nice camera!

  9. These are just awesome. The one of your sister is unbelievably sharp. I just entered the DSLR world about five months ago, with a Canon EOS T3i. Still so much to learn. I try not to be envious of your talent and just enjoy looking at the results. :)

    1. You are underselling yourself. Your photos are so good!

  10. It looks like a great camera. The photo of your sister against the moving train is wonderful, partly because of the image quality and partly because your sister is very pretty.

  11. Moin Moin...

    Mensch Mersad wie biste bloß auf die Idee mit der Canon 6D gekommen ?!! ;)

    Das scheint eine echt tolle Kamera zu sein :)

    Ich wünsche Dir verdammt viel Spaß mit der neuen Cam ... Die Bilder sind gleich mal phantastisch !


    1. Ich hab wirklich an dich und deinen Post gedacht beim kauf. Du warst so zu sagen der Tropfen der das Glas überfüllt hat :D

  12. Nice choice, Congratulations. Loved the images also.

  13. Congrats on your new camera, Mersad.. Looks like a good choice. I love the Canon line and my 7D (I actually have two). Basic difference is they're not full frame.. probably more, since mine are several years old. Looking forward to seeing your new creations with your new camera.. Enjoy!

    1. I was thinking about the 7D for a long time too, since it's a great camera, but i went with the 6D because of the full frame sensor.

  14. Clever you for understanding everything about a camera... I still struggle! I really liked the shot of your sister, and the video taken on the escalator.

    1. I am learning new things every time I use it, so don't really think that I understand everything. :D Just last night I tried out the wifi functions of the camera.

  15. Hi, Mersad!
    Thank you for your visit & kind comments on my blog.
    Congratulations on your new camera! A friend of mine in Canada also just got the 6D, and I was eager to hear how it performed. I've considered a full frame camera for a while.
    These shots are fantastic, especially the one of your sister in front of the moving train - so sharp! Thanks for sharing, I look forward to seeing more of what you & your camera do together.

    1. Thanks for following back. Glad you like the test shots.

  16. Congrats on the new camera! We are Canon people, too, and have a 5 D as well as many others along the way. I also love my "baby" camera (Powershot SX260 HS) that I can carry in my pocket and our mirrorless Canon that is small and works so well.

    Your images are fantastic! Just beautiful!

    All the best,

  17. čestitam...od <3 ....
    kako ti zavidim :) :)

    1. Hvala Snježana, barem mogu slike objavljivati i dijeliti radost :)

  18. Simply this approach rotation will probably irrefutably lead to the well-known teen anywhere between just about every single making plenty of people, resulting from thorough articles or reviews and additionally feedback and additionally ranks. hi pod



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