Saturday, March 12, 2022

Sunny Marshlands [Through My Lens Nr. 329]

Sunny days during these last days of winter (hopefully) are a great way to escape into nature. The Hutovo Blato reserve is a really nice getaway, only a 30 minute drive from Mostar. The reserve is primarily composed of marshlands that were created by the underground aquifer system of the Krupa River. Hutovo Blato is on the list of BirdLife International's Important Bird Areas. It is the largest reserve of its kind in the region, in terms of both size and diversity. It is home to over 240 types of migratory birds and dozens that make their permanent home in the sub-Mediterranean wetlands surrounding Deransko Lake. There were a lot of nice sights to be seen here. I hope you will enjoy these images and that they will bring you light for the start of the week.

Thank you all for joining me in another week of "Through My Lens". I am looking forward to your submissions this week. I hope you will have a good one! 

Now I want to see what you have been up to. Link down below and share with the rest of us!

What "Through my lens" is about

This meme is about sharing your favorite blog post with the rest of us. The themes are open, there is only one rule: the images have to be taken by you. I want to see your photography!

How this Photo meme Works

1. Share your favorite post under the linkup button below and follow the instructions there
2. Only share the url of your post, not the url of your main page
3. In your post link back to this post of "Through my lens" and visit others! 

Please share this link-up with the image below.  

Or simply copy/paste this code in the HTML of your post


  1. These are beautiful photos. When the days are sunny, there are many opportunities to enjoy the nature.
    Have a great day!

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    wD .

  3. Amazing pics.
    Have a nice week ahead.

  4. Beautiful views of the marsh. I remember seeing lands like this turned into rice paddies in Northern Italy

  5. Wetlands are always interesting, especially in spring when all the plants and wildlife shop up.

  6. Looks like a great place for a wander with a camera. Enjoy your week, stay safe, and than you again for the link up.

  7. Well this is a place I would love to visit to see what birds were thre. it looks a wonderful habitat for them to live and breed. Thanks for hosting and have a great week ahead Mersad.



Image Credits

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