Friday, March 4, 2016

Snow on Mountain Rujiste [Part 2/2]: Strolling the Winter Wonderland

The snow started falling heavily as we departed from the "Snow House" restaurant and headed into the valley of the Rujiste mountain. We did not come prepared for snow, so our stay on the icy paths wasn't that long. Anyway, we marched bravery through the cold landscapes and with an umbrella in my hand I tried to take as many pictures as I could.

This is a two-part photo series:
Part One:
Lunch in the Snow House
Part Two: Strolling the Winter Wonderland

Snowy Mountain Roads

The road here is usually very accessible, but the snow made it a bit difficult to walk, since there was also a lot of mud. In the beginning of the walk you can see more of the houses and civilization, but as you march on, only woods and hills will surround you. I tried to capture as much of the snow in the distance as I could, but the thick wail of white snowflakes covered up the backgrounds a lot.

A Winter Wonderland

At one point of our walk, I noticed a small opening between some trees that were growing on the side of the road. I saw a small fenced off area, which caught my attention immediately. I wished I could come closer to it, but with the snowfall being heavier and heavier we had to turn back and go to our car.

Paths in the Snow

A few houses were completely covered in snow in the far distance. I could barely see them from the snow. In the shot above you can see a small path cutting the snow, making for a nice focus point. Eventually we went back to the car, since we didn't want to get stuck here. The roads were covered completely in snow, but we managed to drive safely on them. As soon as we crossed the mountain slope, the snow changed back to the rain, and we arrived home 30 minutes later...

The End


  1. kuschelig. Hier schneits zwar gerade auch, es bleibt aber nicht liegen ;-(. Winkewinke Anne

    1. In der Stadt ist der Schnee auch nicht all zu sehr willkommen.

  2. Das sieht soooo schön aus, aber ich kann mir sehr gut vorstellen dass deine Finger fast abgefroren sind. Tolle Aufnahmen, da bekomme ich doch gleich Lust auch mal wieder einen Winterurlaub zu machen^^ Übrigens wollte ich mal sagen dass ihr eine tolle Familie seid, deine Sis "kenne" ich ja schon eine Weile, aber nun will ich mal noch beide Daumen hochstecken für die immer schönen Lächeln, auch deines Dads.

    Liebe Grüssle


    1. Ja, mein Dad ist immer gut gelaunt :) Danke für deinen lieben Komentar!

  3. Love these snow scenes. Looks like you all had fun.
    Great post!

  4. Coole, stimmungsvolle Bilder, aber langsam reicht es mir vom Winter. ;-)
    Liebe Grüße

  5. How lovely! What wonderful Christmas cards you have there. :)

  6. it's really beautiful. love all the laden trees.

  7. You brought back a memory for me of walking in a wet snowfall in Atlanta GA. I was walking home from school and its rare to have snow in GA but having just moved there from a northern state the snow was refreshing. People wanted to give me a ride but I declined and enjoyed the walk in the snow. Thank you for reviving that memory. We had a lovely wet snowfall here overnight. Roads are clear but trees are coated but melting fast.

  8. Hi,
    Beautiful shots of the snow. Thanks for sharing your trip. Have a great day!

  9. Lovely snow images. We seldom see snow here. Sometimes in January---maybe.

  10. Oh, wow, did I ever enjoy the photos. I love snow pics and these are just awesome.

  11. What beautiful photos of your walk in the snow. The mountains and forest look especially fine with that fresh snow. Hope you were able to stay warm and dry.

  12. What marvellous images you've shared, my friend, I thank you with all my heart !
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    sending dear hugs to you

  13. Mersad, gorgeous snowy day pictures! I love walking in the snow, even if it's only a short walk. The mountains and evergreens are simply beautiful snow covered. I felt a bit of the wintry chill while I enjoyed your images from the comfort of my home, though. :) Have a good weekend and thanks for sharing with SWF fans!

  14. I love your winter wonderland! Beautiful photos:)

  15. Love the snowy scenes! I especially like how you captured the falling snow.

  16. Such a stunning series! I really like your Winter Wonderland.
    Thank you for stopping by and hosting the Linpkparty!
    Greeting from Germany ... Frauke

  17. A winter wonderland indeed. Stunning snow scenes!

  18. Such stunning beauty in those snowy shots.

  19. Nice shots of your Dad and Jasmina again... and some really gorgeous snow shots. Well done.

  20. So pretty! I have never seen people use umbrella out in the snow before. :)

  21. I've never seen snow look better, Mersad. Great job!

  22. It looks like the perfect snow. Falling lightly and coating everything with a fluffy layer.

  23. Wow that was quite the snow storm. You really captured the beauty of your snowy surroundings.

  24. Oh, it's so beautiful! I would love to see some snow - we've not had even one flake this winter.

  25. Hallo Mersad... Manometer, lang lang ist es her !! Ich habe ja vor etwa einem Jahr mit der Fotografie und dem Bloggen völlig aufgehört gehabt, weil ich im letzten Jahr etwas die Lust verloren hatte, und gesundheitlich völlig angeknackst war.

    Aber wie ich sehe, seit Ihr ja hier alle richtig fleißig gewesen. :)

    Das sind wirklich tolle Winteraufnahmen. Von sowas kann man in Berlin und ich glaube weiteren Teilen Deutschlands nur noch träumen. Wenn hier mal "3 Krümel" Schnee fallen, bleiben die so gut wie gar nicht liegen. Echt schade !

    Wie dem auch sei, ich freue mich wieder beim Bloggen dabei zu sein, und auch wieder zu fotografieren.

    Ich habe jetzt auch einen neuen Blog gestartet... !

    Wenn du Lust hast, kannste ja mal vorbeischauen, ich würde mich freuen :)

    Hab ein schönes Wochenende und bleib gesund und munter ...

    Grüße aus Berlin sendet

    Timur von

    1. Schön wieder von Dir zu lesen Timur. Werde mir deinen neuen Blog anschauen und freue mich Dich wieder unter meinen Lesern zählen zu können!

  26. How pretty! I can see why you wanted to go further and see more. It does give me a shiver though because I can imagine how cold it was! Have a great weekend!

  27. i really really really like ALL of your portraits of people in the snow. they are beautiful and would be pefect art framed and on a wall, would not matter if we knew the person or not.

  28. Wow! These are all so awesome! Love the one of the people walking with the umbrellas in the snow.

  29. So serene and gorgeous! We don't see umbrellas in the snow here, so those images are especially charming for me.

  30. The touch of colour from the umbrellas adds character to these magical snowy scenes.

  31. What a wonderful, unexpected adventure, Mersad. The very best kind! You've captured it perfectly!



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