Monday, April 11, 2016

A Peek into the Mostar Valley [Through My Lens Nr. 37]

Mostar sits snugly inside a valley, and in order to fully see the city you have to climb the surrounding hills and mountains. During such an outing I took these images. While taking a peak into the valley is interesting and can offer beautiful sights, turning around and looking over the hills can also be astonishing. Indeed there is so much to see around us, and sometimes we need to take a step back to see the full picture.

Now I want to see what you have been up to. Link down below and share with the rest of us!

What "Through my lens" is about

This meme is about sharing your favorite blog post with the rest of us. The themes are open, there is only one rule: the images have to be taken by you.
I want to see your photography!

How this Photo meme Works

1. Share your favorite post under the linkup button below and follow the instructions there
2. Only share the url of your post, not the url of your main page
3. In your post link back to this post of "Through my lens" and visit others!

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  1. A very interesting place to be - have a nice week, Mersad!
    Greeting from Germany ... Frauke

  2. Famous views on a gorgeos place.
    Have a nice new week

  3. You have taken such beautyfull pictures of the Mostar Valley. Its a wonderfull place to be i think. Thank you for giving us this impressions. Have a nice Week! Marion

  4. wieder wunderschöne Fotos aus deiner Heimat.
    Liebe grüße

  5. Oh, how I love this wonderful valley, thank you for sharing these amazing photographs of yours with us, and thank you for hosting me, as well, my dear Mersad !

    Hope your week is off to a great start, I wish you most lovely days to come,
    sending hugs to you


  6. Beautiful panorama of the mountains and the City.
    This view is stunning.

  7. Hello Mehrzad
    As always dreamlike images, we would like to go on holiday;-)

  8. The landscape is beautiful, but the mountains look already so old that they are fully eroded leaving only rocks without the top soil.

  9. always such beautiful scenes you share with us. Have a wonderful week and thank you again for the link up.

  10. Mersad, this reminds us so much of our area of Greece. Beautiful photos.

  11. Rugged but beautiful!

  12. You show us so many beautiful places!

  13. beautiful sight my friend

  14. A lovely selection of photos ...

    All the best Jan

  15. So many textures, I love it!

  16. that's quite a big city down there! beautiful pics mersad!

  17. What a beautiful city! Thank you for sharing such lovely landscape, Mersad. I imagined what melody the flowing clouds tuned in harmony with the valley and the surrounding mountains.


  18. Lovely photos - the valley is magnificent - the mountains do seem to cradle the town - love the rocks and the photo showing the roofs of the town.

  19. You have very lovely and captivating photos. Thank you! Have a wonderful day!

  20. Some beautiful shots, Mersad ... were you trekking or biking or maybe even driving? These pictures remind me of Switzerland with their beautiful little villages in the valleys. Must be a wonderful place :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  21. Nice photos of your city. It really is tucked into a little valley.

  22. I enjoyed all the photos, to be honest, I like the adventure you did here...

  23. what a view that is, i like the up high and looking down on that valley... really beautiful

  24. Your mountains look very much like mine in my state of Colorado, Mersad. We are lacking the charming red roofed village nestled at the base, however, although more and more of our front range is being developed as more people move into the state.

  25. Always glad to see more of Mostar!

  26. I constantly remind myself to turn around and look at the view behind me.

  27. Your scenery is spectacular!

  28. Gorgeous scenery and wonderfully photographed. Thanks for hosting and have a great week ahead.

  29. I like all your pictures and its details.Your work is excellent.Have a nice day.

  30. Stunning views Mersad, the Mostar valley looks perfect nestled into the landscape.
    Have a wonderful week and thanks for hosting.

  31. That's a lovely little town. - Margy

  32. Beautiful city nestled in among the mountains! Lovely views.

  33. I'm always amazed at the beauty of your homeland, Mersad. The contrasts are stunning. Have a wonder-filled week!

  34. Lovely selection! Amazing scenery! Greetings!

  35. Fabulous views Mersad! What a wonderful place!

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