Monday, January 15, 2018

Puppies in Need [Through My Lens Nr. 128]

These 6 little puppies were found abandoned in a wooded area/park on the outskirts of the city Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They were left there in their first months of life and there is no one to take care of them. My friends and I found them there and had to take care of them right way. I think someone dropped them off there in their first weeks of life. They pretty much had to fight for their lives in these cold winter days. The six puppies are friendly and desperately want to find a warm home and someone who will take care of them.

Now they have a big shot at finding a warm home in Netherlands, but getting them there has costs. They are safe now with my friend Selma, at her home, and a part of the money has been collected, but they still need to collect and pay 385,00 EUR (470 $) for transportation to get from Mostar to the Netherlands, and time is of the essence. The transport is scheduled in the first week of February and now their only wish is to find good people who will help them with the costs so that they can find a permanent home and happy life.

I hope to share a success story with you soon!

Now I want to see what you have been up to. Link down below and share with the rest of us! 


This meme is about sharing your favorite blog post with the rest of us. The themes are open, there is only one rule: the images have to be taken by you. I want to see your photography!


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  1. I hope they each find a wonderful home. Your pictures of them are great.

    1. We have found a home for them in the Netherlands and now it's all about getting them there and that's what the fundraiser is for. I hope it will work out too.

  2. i am so glad you have found them homes and I do hope you getallthe funds to transport them there. yourimages of them arewonderfull. Thanks for hosting and have a good week

  3. such a sad story. How can people do such a thing? I hope it works out for all concerned :) Thanks for taking care of them.

  4. Lieber Mersad,
    es ist unglaublich, dass es Menschen gibt, die es übers Herz bringen, diese Welpen einfach ihrem Schicksal zu überlassen.
    Es ist schön, dass Du und Deine Freunde ihnen geholfen habt.
    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Start in die Woche.

    Viele liebe Grüße

    1. Danke Dir lieber Wolfgang für deine Hilfe und Donation. Wüsche Dir auch einen tollen Start in die Woche.

  5. Thanks a lot for sharing _()_

  6. oh my goodness they are adorable! i am so glad you and your friend found them and saved them! what sweet little babies they are, and strong willed!

  7. such sweet puppies...and with such great shots of them, I'm hoping they will get all the help and love they deserve

  8. So cute - thank you for taking care of them. We live in the country and the animals that people abandon make me sad.... we have had cats, dogs, and surprisingly a horse left in our pastures.... They found a home here - but it is still sad. Thank you for stepping up!

  9. Oh I hope you can find homes for those sweet little angels! Poor babies! So happy you found them. Hope the needed money comes in.

  10. wonderful to see people helping out, i hope they reach their goal!! they are adorable!!

  11. Sehr schöne Hundekinder und sehr schön, was ihr da macht. Ich verstehe nur nicht, warum gerade nach Niederlande? Aber ich hoffe, es klappt wirklich so, daß sie in gute Hände kommen.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Weil wir dort Konakt mit einem Freund haben der eine private Farm besitzt wo die Hunde zusammen wohnen können.

  12. You and your friend are really wonderful to help them out. They are beautiful. My husband and I just made a donation. Hope it helps.


    1. Thank you very much for your generous donation. We just saw it. I will hopefully update everybody soon with some good news. Have a greay day and thanks to your husband as well.

  13. They are quite cute. There are few stray dogs in New Zealand. Even to buy a puppy here costs hundreds of dollars.

  14. they are absolutely beautiful puppies I'm so glad you found them and that Selma's able to take care of them while they're waiting to go to their new home

  15. They are adorable. I am so glad you found them and I hope you find good homes for them.

  16. Good for you and Selma to care for and find homes for these really cute puppies. Mersad, you are a hero.

  17. ich frage mich immer, wie herzlos menschen sein können. die armen kleinen! wie gut, dass ihr sie gefunden habt. hoffentlich können sie bald in ein schönes zu hause ziehen.
    liebe grüße

  18. What an adorable little bunch, they have definitely survived despite the odds and I hope they find loving and happy families


  19. Adorable puppies! If I lived closer, I'd adopt one.

  20. How good of you to rescue these pups!

  21. Very sad and I hope they find a home. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week.

  22. Aww, sweet little ones! I am sharing on Google Plus.

  23. I hope that these pups were able to find a home, such a wonderful thing you have done fostering them. Thank you for the share.
    World of Animals



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