Monday, February 26, 2018

Winter Madness [Through My Lens Nr. 134]

Winter has caught up with us. After a fairly sunny January and February, now the cold has returned, brought with it snow and winds. Of course winter can be beautiful. Some people like the snow and cold, others like to view it from a distance, while most prefer spring to start. I on the other hand am actively hoping that our orange and lemon trees in the garden won't suffer like last year (when we had to cut two down). The forecast is saying we will have temperatures below zero, so that will be fun, since the work week has just started. How is winter treating you? Of course those of you in the southern hemisphere are enjoying blissful summer days... o how I envy you.

Thank you all for joining me in another week of "Through My Lens". I am looking forward to your submissions this week!


Now I want to see what you have been up to. Link down below and share with the rest of us!

What "Through my lens" is about

This meme is about sharing your favorite blog post with the rest of us. The themes are open, there is only one rule: the images have to be taken by you. I want to see your photography!

How this Photo meme Works

1. Share your favorite post under the linkup button below and follow the instructions there
2. Only share the url of your post, not the url of your main page
3. In your post link back to this post of "Through my lens" and visit others!

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Use the image below for sharing

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  1. I love the snow however we never really get all that much to enjoy it like your lovely photographs.Thanks for hosting and have a great week ahead.

  2. Oh wow...das ist ja wirklich einen Winterlandschaft und ich finde es sieht schön aus. So habe ich mir den Winter in Deutschland immer gewünscht aber leider zu selten bekommen. Tolle Aufnahmen hast du mitgebracht.

    Liebe Grüsse


    1. Wünsch Dir dann einen sonnigen Wochenstart :)

  3. We've had snow on the ground for a few weeks and it has been cold, but this winter is still warmer than it should be. I hope your don't lose your citrus trees!

    1. We have wrapped them up tightly. I hope it will all work out. I know that you guys in Colorado are used to the snow and cold.

  4. I give you a hot place in contrast to your winter :)

  5. Hope all is well with you guys! Our snow is 99 percent gone today.

    1. We are doing fine. Snow is mostly in the mountains and in the north of the country. Mostar only had a light dusting.

  6. You make Winter look beautiful, but brrrr! It must be harder to deal with the cold this late in the season, after having such a mild days earlier.

  7. such pretty snow pictures mersad! i don't know if we'll ever get snow this winter...we've had freezing days but maybe a total of an inch of snow altogether...i hope your trees survive! be careful out there!

    1. You too Tanya. The cold and wind are the real problems. Snow can be cleaned up I guess :)

  8. ...a winter wonderland.

  9. I love looking at your beautiful photos but I don't want the real thing.

  10. its so beautiful. New snow always makes me happy

  11. That last one is a post card! Tho my fav is the snow falling on the branch. So intricate.

  12. It is madness! And beautiful!
    Good shots, Mersad. Thank you for hosting.

  13. Beautiful snowy scenery! Yes, winter has finally remembered us too, this past week our mountains got dumped on.

    1. That will be good for you and your skiing. Hope you'll enjoy.

  14. Beautiful winter scenes!
    Have a great week!

  15. You have captured the beauty of winter.I do hope your trees survive.

  16. Beautiful pics. Thanks for hosting and I hope your trees live. Have a wonderful week.

  17. Brrr. It looks very cold there. New Zealand has had the warmest summer in recorded history. I used to want to move to the tropics. After experiencing the heat and humidity lately, I have changed my mind.

  18. Areal winter wonderland. Beautiful,photos. Thank you//

  19. In a way I envy your dramatic changes in season. One of these days I hope to go to the snow. In the meantime I will just have to enjoy snowy photos from the northern hemisphere. It has actually been a very mild summer in Australia. Enjoy the snow and thank you again for the linkup. Jill from Life Images by Jill

  20. I did winter in December and January, I'll take sunshine and heat any day!

  21. Winter took a break from here, and we have had spring-like temperatures. Your pictures are so beautiful, it makes me miss winter.

  22. I'm sharing blooms from my pear tree this week. I hope your fruit trees survive! and that spring comes quickly.

  23. OHMYGOD! While we are starting our dry seaso with already so very high temps at 37°C, you are now into winter and those shots look really so cold. I need to look at them more often to ease some heat. We already feel like it is Apr or May when we are at the height of it, i can't imagine our temps later at the end of April.

  24. Winter Madness is beautiful through your lens.

  25. Lieber Mersad,
    ich mag den Winter, allerdings ist es bei uns einfach nur bitterkalt und wir haben auch keinen Schnee. So stelle ich mir den Winter nicht vor, und ich kann mich Deinem Wunsch nach Frühling nur anschließen. Jetzt finde ich ist nicht mehr die Zeit für Winter.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  26. There is certainly beauty in the whiteness of this winter madness in your world!

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