Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Creamy Chicken and Spinach Pot Pie Recipe

When it gets cold and dark outside I often look for comfort inside the home, the kitchen especially. And I don't need to tell anyone that when it comes to Chicken Pot Pie there is no better comfort food. But this is not the usual recipe. It's my version of Creamy Chicken and Spinach Pot Pie Recipe that is creamy and filled with spinach, peas and carrots. It uses a homemade crust, but you can also use a store bought one. Furthermore you can make the pie in a pot (like the name suggests) or use a pie dish like I did.

Pie Crust Recipe:


- 2 1/2 cups (350 grams) all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon (4 grams) salt
- 1 cup (2 sticks) (226 grams) unsalted butter, chilled, and cut into 1 inch (2.5 cm) pieces
- 1/4 to 1/2 cup (60 - 120 ml) ice water


In a food processor, place the flour and salt and process until combined. Add the butter and process, using the pulse button, until the mixture is crumbly (resembles coarse meal) (about 15 seconds).  Pour 1/4 cup (60 ml) of ice water in a slow, steady stream, through the feed tube until the dough starts to clump together when pinched (it should not be a solid ball of dough). Add remaining water, if necessary. Do not process more than about 30 seconds. Form a ball and wrap in cling film wrap. Chill for about 30 minutes in the fridge. Then roll out into two round sheets or one (in case you only want to make the cover). You can freeze the rest for later use.

Creamy Chicken and Spinach Pot Pie Recipe


- 1/3 cup (75 gr) butter
- 1/3 cup (45 gr) flour
- 2 cups (500 ml) chicken stock
- 1 cup (250 ml) milk
- 1 cup (100 gr) frozen peas
- 7 ounces (200 gr) frozen spinach
- 1 carrot, chopped
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
- salt and pepper to taste
- 1 egg
- 1-2 cooked or baked chicken breasts, shredded


Before you start you need to chop up everything (onion, carrot, parsley) you also need to shred the chicken breasts and cook the spinach in some salted water, drain the spinach well.

Preheat your oven to 425 F / 220 C. In a large heavy bottom saucepan melt the butter and fry the onions and carrot for 7-10 minutes on medium heat. Add the flour and stir to make a roux, then add the chicken stock and milk and stir until thickened. If needed add salt and pepper to taste. Add the parsley.

Into your sauce add the cooked spinach, shredded chicken and frozen peas. Pour into your baking dish and cover with a crust, or lay a bottom crust into your pie dish and then pour the filling and cover with a top crust. In both cases, make some slits in the top crust so that the steam can escape. Make some egg wash (combine 1 egg with 1 tbsp water or milk, stir), and brush the top crust to make it golden and shiny. If you are only using a top crust make sure to add some egg wash to the sides of your pie dish in order to glue the crust to it. If using two layers add some egg wash to the sides of the bottom crust and pinch the bottom and top crust together with a fork.

Bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes if you make a two crust pie, 30-35 minutes if only making with a top crust. If the top crust gets too brown cover with aluminum foil until the rest is baked.

Serve and enjoy! This is very comforting and rich and can feed 8 people easily.


  1. Yammi....I like the combination spinach and chicken and for sure I will try your recipe. Looks so good that I would like a piece.

    Thanks for sharing.



    1. Thank you. I like that combo as well, that's why I added the spinach, even though it's not traditional in this dish.

  2. Mouthwatering.... that's my reaction to this recipe. I just have to try it. Many thanks.

  3. Looks and sound delicious. Must try this. Thanks

  4. Looks grand!
    Thanks for linking up at

  5. So was habe ich noch nie gemacht, aber schaut sehr lecker aus (Spinat mag ich nicht, aber das kann mit mit anderen Sachen ersetzen). Ich habe in den Tagen total viele ähnlichen Rezepte gesucht und gefunden, da ich heuer zu meinem 40. Geburtstag große Party mache und will solche Sachen in Miniform fertig machen. Liebe Grüße

    1. Das hier kannst Du kanz toll in Muffin formen backen und individuell servieren.

  6. Wow! I wish to pluck it off the screen now. :)
    Happy ABCW!

  7. Never been fond of pot pies, but this one certainty looks good. I appreciate your dropping by my place today. Obviously, you are a good chef.

  8. That pie looks wonderful! Just the thing on a cool, fall evening.

  9. Hi Mersad

    Seems delicious... and i have not eaten jet so... youre entry makes me hungry ;-)

    Thank you for participating again, hope to may greet you again next time(s) ..

    Have a nice abc-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  10. Oh, yes!! I'm going to have to try this one, Mersad! It sounds and looks delicious and perfect for a cold day!! Thanks as always for sharing!! Hope your week is going well!!

    1. Thank you for visiting Sylvia. Glad you liked the recipe.

  11. now i am hungry and i just finished lunch. looks beautiful to

  12. Love spinach, as well as pot pie! And thank you for converting the quantities of the ingredients in cups:)

    1. You're welcome, I don't like recipes online that don't feature both kinds of measurement since you never know who will come across it, so I like to provide both options.

  13. I love spinach. This is quite appealing

    1. It tastes really great as well. Thanks for visiting Roger!

  14. Looks delicious! I love how your pastry looks!

  15. Beautiful, and I'm sure it is very tasty, too!
    Thanks for the recipe.

  16. Ovo će se morati isprobati, izgleda odlično. :)

  17. This looks and sounds tasty.

  18. Mersad,
    I made your excellent pie; your photos made it impossible to leave it untried. It was in my mind for days, and here's the best part (besides eating it) - lingering over making it. Lovely. I know just what to have when I make dinner for friends on night in deepest, dark November. Thank you for posting this recipe.
    Take care, McGregor

  19. yummy pie.

  20. a pie is a good looks delicious.

  21. Wow, that looks yummy. Might have to try it.

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