Monday, September 12, 2016

Under the Sea with GoPro 4 [Through My Lens Nr. 59]

Summer isn't completely gone here in South Europe and while the work days are busy and hectic, the weekends still offer themselves up for an escape to the seaside. These images were taken under water with the GoPro 4, and I had a lot of fun using the little camera. I took some videos as well, and tried to capture as much as interesting details beneath the surface as I could. I hope you will enjoy these. I hope to share some above the surface shots as soon as possible, but before that the third and final part of the "Visiting Zijemlje" photo series, will be uploaded as well.

Under the Sea there is a lot to see. Even in the almost barren conditions of the beach where we swam. I loved getting close up to the fishes, seeing them dance and escape away from me. I had a mask so that I could see the shots I was taking a bit better. All in all If you bring some time with you, you can capture some really great shots!

Now I want to see what you have been up to. Link down below and share with the rest of us!

What "Through my lens" is about

This meme is about sharing your favorite blog post with the rest of us. The themes are open, there is only one rule: the images have to be taken by you.
I want to see your photography!

How this Photo meme Works

1. Share your favorite post under the linkup button below and follow the instructions there
2. Only share the url of your post, not the url of your main page
3. In your post link back to this post of "Through my lens" and visit others!

Please spread the word and help me grow the link-up.

Use the image below for sharing

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  1. Ach wie lustig deine Bilder! Super! Mein großer Sohn hat auch ne Gopro und macht damit die tollsten Bilder und Videos.....ein kleines Wahnsinnsgerät, absolut! Äh und wieso summer gone??? Bei uns ist es sowas von heiß und sommerlich......verrückt! Bei euch nicht???? GlG Anne

    1. "Summer isn't completely gone..." :)
      Wir habe noch warme Tage hier.
      Und ja die GoPro ist wirklich toll, gebe aber meine Canon 6D Kamera und derren Videofunktion nicht her :)

    2. Tsss...ich wieder......zu schnell unterwegs ;-S! Na dann auf einen schönen Spätsommer uns allen!

  2. Hier ist noch immer Sommer, richtig heiß und das jeden Tag.
    Eine faszinierende Welt hat sich dir da geboten, tolle Bilder!
    Sonnige Grüße ... Frauke

  3. How wonderful to take these shots under water and I woud love to see the video sometime. Thanks for hosting and have a good week

    1. Yeah maybe I'll add the video too, but it's nothing too special. Just me diving. Thank you for stopping by.

  4. great pics !!! happy week :-)

  5. I'm truly amazed at your photos taken through your stunning sea, i'm so very grateful to you for sharing them with us, dear Mersad !

    So very thankful for hosting me this morning too, I'm wishing you a most wonderful new week ever, sending hugs and more hugs to you

    Xx Daniela

  6. ...interessante Unterwasserwelt und diese Farben!Wunderschön!
    LG Christiane

  7. Pretty impressive that you took those shots with a Go Pro.

  8. Hallo Mersad,

    hier ist noch ein so toller Spätsommer... :)
    Den genießen wir alle sehr!
    Unter Wasser ist es so schön.
    So friedlich und leicht...
    Deine Bilder sind echt toll...

    Herzliche Grüße - Julia

  9. Go Pro looks to be a great camera! Thanks for showing.

  10. Fantastic fun photos Mersad. I didn't expect to see you submerged!
    We have a GoPro but I'm not sure we could take underwater photos... besides the North Sea would have to warm up quite considerably before I would venture in!
    Thanks for hosting once again and I wish you a great week ahead.

    1. Yeah the sea has to be warm in order for you to get in. But you can always put your arm underneath the water surface and snap away (with the camera in the water housing of course)

  11. Hi! The inside of the sea is very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  12. what a great set of underwater photos! i am thinking of getting christian one for christmas this year.

  13. I LOVE that underwater shot!


  14. Nicht schlecht! Ich habe so was auch shcon überlegt, aber wir nehmen schon so und so soviele Haufen von technische Geräte, Ladegeräte und Zubehör auf Urlaub mir, daß ich eigentlich nichts mehr weiteres dazu haben will.
    Liebe Grüße

  15. now I can add to my love of your night shots the love of underwater. super duper shots for me and when I got to the selfie with your head out the top I laughed out loud and I LOVE IT

    1. That was a total mistake but I liked how it turned out :)

  16. Well, this was a surprise, but a pleasant one. You and your Go Pro did a great job on these underwater shots.

  17. Such fun photographing under water. I had lots of fun doing this at Coral Bay in July. Enjoy your last days of summer.

  18. There is a fantastic underwater world - great photos!

  19. How fun to be able to take underwater shots. Very nice.

  20. That's quite a selfie, Mersad! Looks like you're having fun.

  21. Nice to see summer photos even tough our summer ended ages ago... we are living in full Autumn now. Have a good week - thanks for hosting!

  22. Great photos of 'the deep' - and glad you are still having some summer. So are we! I tried to link up but the link up section was missing on this Monday morning so will check back later. . .

  23. You can do such cool things with GoPro cameras! Nice shots.

  24. Looks like so much fun taking those cool images, Mersad! THanks for hosting and have a great week!

  25. Great pictures and I really like the first one!

  26. Tolle und lustige Bilder. Wir lieben das Meer auch sehr und sind viel getaucht und "geschnorchelt" die letzten Wochen. Leider haben wir keine so tolle Unterwasserkamera.

  27. Great underwater photography, including a terrific selfie. Just hope you don't run into Jaws.

  28. Such sharp images for underwater photography!

  29. What fun photos! My son-in-law's new go pro came off the wrist attachment and sank to the bottom of a lake when we were in Nicaragua. So sad!

    1. Oh that's really awful. There is a attachment for the GoPro that prevents it from sinking in water. If your son in law decides to get a knew one let him know.

  30. Great photos! I really enjoyed seeing what is under the surface of the sea. Beautiful!

  31. Merveilleuses photos ! j'aime beaucoup !
    Merci de tes passages sur mon blog.

  32. Such fantastic underwater shots!

  33. Wow amazing clicks with GoPro, Awesome cam.
    Thanks for sharing :)

  34. That looks like so much fun to have a camera that takes photographs underwater, especially when it's that clear. - Margy



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