Sunday, June 21, 2015

Dog Playdate: With Our Friend Ambi

This weekend we are having some friends over for a visit, and they brought their dog Ambi with them. Beni and him had a great time together in our garden. They seem to have liked each other right from the start. So here are a couple of images I took yesterday. Enjoy them, and have a great rest of the Sunday. We are off for more fun.

click on the images for a bigger view


  1. Mersad, these are great. You will have to get Beni a brother or sister. Perhaps not; If they are anything like my pair they only learn each others bad habits.

    1. We have actually been thinking about that. :) Yours are great together, come on :)

    2. Yes Mersad. I always think 9as long as they get on) 2 dogs are good company for each other. Love the black 7 white shot best.

    3. Mine don't have that choice Margaret. I am the boss when it comes to serious. Mine have foibles over food. They are fed in separate bowls; Alf doesn't start eating till Moll has finished but it doesn't apply to treats from me both have to be treated equally. Much the same as people.

  2. They're almost twins: double trouble, double fun!!

  3. Hello Mersad, cute shots of your adorable Beni and his playmate Ambi. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

    1. You too Eileen. Thanks for visiting. You will see more of those two in the next post, which will show our trip to the mountains today.

  4. They remind me of cousins who love playing with each other but at the end of the day they each go to their separate homes.

  5. AnonymousJune 21, 2015

    The gardens and yard are just beautiful and the dogs look like they are so happy!

  6. MERSAD! DU weißt genau, mit dem Post kriegste mich ;-D! Beni hat auf jeden Fall aber den hübschren Hairstyle, er sieht so lässig aus mit seiner Wuschelmähne! Ein echter Hippie! Äh und Ambi ist ein Mädchen??? Geht da vielleicht was ;-D??? Also ich sag schon mal vorsichtshalber HIERHIER, wenn da was möglicherweiseeventuell kommen würde und ihr möglicherweiseeventuell nicht wüßtet wohin mit den Minis! GlG auch Beni und Ambi, Anne

    1. Ambi is auch ein Mänchen. Mehr als Freundschaft wird da nicht sein. Es kommen noch zwei Posts von unserem Ausflug mit ihnen in die Berge. Da wird noch mehr von ihnen zu sehen sein. Liebe Grüße.

  7. They look like quite a pair of characters


  8. What a pair of cuties Beni and Ambi are!! Love your captures for the day, Mersad -- as always!! Hope you are all enjoying a fun day!!!

  9. Cute dogs! So nice that they both get along.

    1. You never know how that's going to turn out when they meet for the first time, but luckily they get along very well.

  10. How cute they are! :)

  11. Ah, they look so cute and you can tell that they are enjoying each other's company. Nice backyard by the way.

  12. Those are two very cute and very happy dogs!
    LOVE your stone walkways too!
    Happy Sundays In My City.

  13. Sweet! Glad they got along. Some dogs don't. With dogs it seems like instant like, dislike, or indifference--LOL!

  14. Bas su slatki K9 prijatelji!

  15. These two make a cute pair!

  16. They do look cute together. How nice for both of them to have a playmate for a day. And in such a beautiful setting.

  17. The two dogs are very well matched, Mersad.

  18. Aww, they are so cute! You should get a second dog!

  19. Das schaut ja sowas von niedlich aus....auch schon alleine der Kontrast vom hellen Fell zu den leuchtenden Blumen und dem Gras. Finde ich absolut klasse und tolle Aufnahmen hast du gemacht.

    Hab einen schönen Wochenstart und herzliche Grüsse


  20. Adorable! They look as though they got on really well, and I'm sure they were smiling for the camera.

  21. Looks like they had a lot of fun Mersad, two together is more companionable :)

  22. Looks like they had a lot of fun Mersad, two together is more companionable :)

  23. They are so beautiful, and seem to know how to pose for the camera!

  24. Toujours de très belles prises de vues, le naturel est bien là et j'aime beaucoup !
    Merci de tes passages sur mes blogs!
    Always beautiful shots, natural is there and I love!
    Thank you for your passage on my blogs!
    Have a nice week

  25. Hello Mersad, I am stopping back to say thank you for linking up and sharing your cute doggie post. Enjoy your weekend!

  26. How cute they are! Enjoy.

  27. Adorable shots of your little 'fur persons' delighting in their own company ~ Great shots!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  28. Seriously, could those two be any cuter?



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