Friday, June 19, 2015

Hazelnut Ice Cream Recipe

While I was recently visiting Vienna, my friends and I ate some Ice Cream at the Tichy Eissalon, which is a very popular gelateria there. We had the most amazing Hazelnut Ice Cream, and I posted a picture of it on my Facebook Page, a while back. The Ice Cream tasted superb, and every since we got back home we wanted to eat it again. But since traveling back for ice cream seems like a crazy idea that even we wouldn't do (although there is a lot we will do for food), I had the chore to recreate the recipe.

So here goes my version of the Tichy Hazelnut Ice Cream Recipe, which everyone agreed on, tasted a lot like the original.


- 200 gr (1/2 cup) hazelnut cream
- 2 tbsp nutella
- 500 ml (1 cup) heavy whipping cream
- pinch of salt
- 1 tsp vanilla extract


1. Have all your ingredients at room temperature. I used a white hazelnut cream and Nutella combo as the base, but if you can't find it (most grocery stores do carry it), then use all Nutella, but the taste won't be the same.

2. Pour the hazelnut cream and Nutella into a big bowl, and stir well.

3. Add the heavy whipping cream, vanilla extract and pinch of salt. Stir again, until well combined.

4. Freeze in your ice cream maker according to the manufactures instructions.
Tip if you don't have an Ice Cream maker: If you don't have an Ice Cream Maker don't be alarmed. You can make this without one. The trick is, once you pour the mixture into the airtight container in the end, take it out of the freezer every 30 minutes for the next 5-6 hours and give it a good stir. That way you'll get rid of the ice crystals that stop the ice cream from being creamy.

5. Enjoy your Ice Cream!

What is your favorite Ice Cream flavor?


  1. Boa, das sieht ja sowas von lecker aus....und so ein doch einfaches Rezept. Dafür danke ich dir herzlich, das werde ich auch mal austesten. Ich mag nämlich gerade Nuss oder Vanille als Eis besonders gerne....fruchtig mag ich es im Sommer mit Zitrone...yammi.

    Übrigens, teste doch mal eine Eiscreme-Coke mit dem Haselnusseis. Dafür einfach eine kalte Cola ins Glas, etwas die Kohlensäure rausschlagen, dann Eiscreme mit rein und wer noch mag auch Sahnetopping. Schmeckt mir persönlich auch supergut, mal etwas anderes als Eiskaffee....und im Sommer dann mit Zitroneneis ist es super erfrischend.

    Nochmals danke fürs Rezept und die klasse Bebilderung.

    Herzliche Grüsse


    1. Werde ich mal ausprobieren. :) Für etwas frisches mit Zitronen, versuch mal mein Zitronensorbet: --Lemon Sorbet Recipe--

  2. Looks great. My favourite when I am at the cinema is Chocolate Mint. Have a great weekend.

  3. It looks so delicious!!!

  4. I am pleased you told us what to do if we didn't have an ice cream maker. Thanks, I'm going to try this recipe.

    1. Because of the hazelnut creams used here, the consistency of the ice cream in the end is always soft, which I like.

  5. Looks wonderful, and your recipe for making it.
    My obsession is yogurt. Maybe I can try some combining...

    1. You can try making frozen yogurt. That's always good and you can make it low-fat as well.

  6. Nyammi!!! Mehr kann ich gar nicht sagen. Du bist so ein Multitalent!!!!
    Liebe Grüße

  7. AnonymousJune 19, 2015

    This sounds wonderful and your photography - you hit it! Perfect!

  8. the only ice cream i will not eat is anything with mint in it. but my favorite ice cream is vanilla, the kind my mother used to make in her churn and she added peaches or bananas when she had them. loved all three

    1. I love vanilla too, and it's perfect in combination with this one!

  9. Ohh...this looks incredible. Nutella in anything is bound to be good! I'm not a huge ice cream eater, but I do like any flavor that has oreos in it.

    1. Oreos, like Nutella, are good with everything! :)

  10. Oh, my, that looks wonderful! We are just home from Norway and back on our diets again. ;)

  11. It does indeed look delicious!! As always with your recipes, I'll have to try it!! Hope you have a great, "delicious" weekend, Mersad!!

  12. I love ice cream. Usually my favorite flavor is the one in front of me, but I make a chocolate-peppermint ice cream that is quite good. The only secret is to use the best dark chocolate and run a small handful of hard peppermint candy through a blender so it is a powder.

  13. Hello Mersad, your homemade ice cream does look creamy and delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Sounds easy too. Happy Monday, have a great new week ahead!

  14. Oh, my! Hazelnut ice-cream sounds so good. Thanks for the recipe! Happy Monday!

  15. Oh, this sounds so delicious. My favorite ice cream is usually dark chocolate, with almonds or hazelnuts in it. Thanks for doing the work of figuring out the recipe!

  16. I love hazelnut, Nutella and oh this would be delicious to have with a bit of chocolate topping.

  17. I admire the fact that you can come home and recreate a recipe - and a delicious looking treat!
    My favourite ice-cream is pistachio with almonds - on an ice cream cone. :-)
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday Mersad.

  18. Mersad, My favorite ice cream flavor is Maple Walnut. Sylvia D.

  19. Hi your recipe looks quite easy and tasteful!

  20. i love ice-cream, loved your recipe. Thank you for considering readers much like me, and I desire for you the best of achievements being a professional in this field.
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