Monday, April 20, 2020

Sunday Barbecue [Through My Lens Nr. 237]

Lately life is revolving around the house. That's not a bad thing. It's hard to think about the future, and maybe one shouldn't think about it too much, so staying in the present is what's keeping me calm. I have found so many projects in and around the house that I have been keeping busy. Work isn't completely stalled, but ot is less busy for sure. Our garden has been blooming nicely, but we didn't get to plant many flowers for the season. That's a big shame, but I hope to get around to it soon. For now the closest family is gathered for get-togethers. This past Sunday we have been firing up the electric grill, and have grilled some sausages, chicken breast and a local favorite: cevapcici.

How have you been spending your time? First off, I hope everyone is safe and healthy. Second, I want to know how you fill up the void that is left with the disappearance of your regular routine. I have found that routines are probably the most important aspect of everyday life. They truly keep us sane. If you can't have the same routine, I have found for myself that's good to adapt to a new one that hits the same goals. I hope it's something that can help. But also, talking about mental health and mental states can help us in figuring out the new.

The world has been hit with something new and scary, but we must stay calm and rational and realize that there is a solution to every problem, and that there is a common goal between the citizens of the world. Even hard times can't kill the human spirit and it's that notion of pushing forwards that can lift the darkness that overcomes us.

Thank you all for joining me in another week of "Through My Lens". I am looking forward to your submissions this week. I hope you will have a good one!

Now I want to see what you have been up to. Link down below and share with the rest of us!

What "Through my lens" is about

This meme is about sharing your favorite blog post with the rest of us. The themes are open, there is only one rule: the images have to be taken by you. I want to see your photography!

How this Photo meme Works

1. Share your favorite post under the linkup button below and follow the instructions there
2. Only share the url of your post, not the url of your main page
3. In your post link back to this post of "Through my lens" and visit others!

Please share this link-up with the image below.  
Or simply copy/paste this code in the HTML of your post


  1. Wow--- looks good! And some really cute pictures of that happy doggy face!

  2. Beautiful photos.
    Stay well.
    Lockdown still on till 3rd May in India.

  3. Your photos bring so much brightness on these dark days! The flowers are beautiful, your dog adorable and the BBQ...yum! I'm busy with lots of indoor projects as well, mainly cooking and photography. I'm taking advantage of the quarantine to practice my indoor photography skills and update old blog posts. Take care!

    1. That's good to know Cristina. I am also trying to learn new skills and get back to photography and editing.

  4. I followed the link to see about cevapcici and almost forgot to come back! It sounds delicious as does the spinach filo pie in that same post (not so much for a BBQ though I know) . Any yumm and I am reading all this before breakfast (my routine!) so now I am sooo hungry! Thanks for hosting and for this nice post.

    1. I know. Food posts before breakfast are never a good thing.

  5. I'm doing well, Mersad. I fear this virus very much so I'm staying home as much as possible. Stay well!

    1. Yes. Please stay safe. I hope it will all pass soon.

  6. ...I've always have been a homebody, home is a comfortable place to be, particularly NOW!

  7. kisses to benni. we are doing well health wise and really tired of the lock in to our property, 5 weeks now. Bob has no been anywhere at all, he is at risk, 83 and with health issues, i got once a week wearing the mask and shop for necessary items.. bob does yard work, i play on computer and read. we do have a routine, and it does help, we are anxious to get back to the old routine and find we never may... i am happy to see and hear you and your family are well. those sausage's look wonderful.

  8. There's a lot to be said for just focusing on the day in front of you. Make that the best it can be. We are playing badminton in the afternoon (and now night with fairy lights and led shuttlecock), and board games after dinner is creating lots of laughs. I am hoping they'll ease restrictions soon as it's a month this week. Not entirely sure how that will go tho, as I don't think we are testing broadly enough. I just worry for the kids loneliness. But all in all, pretty good. Money wise is going to get grim, but for now we can keep both employees and that's my focus.

  9. The food looks so yummy. Very nice. I am working. I am a teacher and have to teach through distance learning and it sucks. LOL. I just so used to being in the classroom. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week. Stay safe and healthy.

  10. Oh those sausages look so yummy my friend! I love sausages so much! Oh and that cute fluffy dog, I want to give him a hug but yes, social distancing right? Wish you a great new week Mersad and greetings from the Philippines!

  11. Love your fog He is so cute adn your BBQ looks pretty yummy. I seem to be quite busy during this isolation and taking more exercise than I normally would 9which is good) Very early walks for 1-2 hours starts the day taking photos of those walk. about 10 am my birder group arrive on WA and I start showing them the photos and they have to gueses where I have been walking there is a lot good banter. then for about an hour i do some teaching on birds, asking wuestions, answering their questions and comments and generally have great fun in the process. Gardening takes a good bit of the rest of my day and I also communicate with 3 other groups I have Often we watch plays, shows, ballets opera together (virtually) and then comment of WA. So A very different life to normal outside isolation but a productive and fun one. I ope you get all your jobs done and stay safe. Thanks for hosting and have a great week.

  12. Ich hoffe es geht euch gesundheitlich auch gut und wird so bleiben. Ja, es ist keine einfache Zeit und wird auch so wirtschaftlich viele Schäden mit sich ziehen. Selbst wenn es bei uns nach und nach Lockerungen geben sollte wird der Tourismus wohl das Letzte sein welcher wieder stattfinden wird.

    Jedenfalls kann man dann auch hier noch froh sein wenn man einen Garten hat, und es gäbe bei mir noch viel mehr Dinge nach dem Sturm wieder zu erledigen...aber die Ware liegt auf Lager und darf noch nicht ausgeliefert werden :-(

    Nun, hauptsache gesund und wir müssen das Beste daraus machen.

    Euch jedenfalls alles Liebe sowie Gute, bleibt weiterhin gesund und passt auf euch auf

    Liebe Grüsse


  13. I am feeling grateful and a lot less stressed now that numbers of infected are being kept low in Australia. It is a good time for projects. I've started some long overdue photo books. Take care and have a good week.

  14. Such a cute doggie. With all the delicious food, wonderful book and amazing company, I am sure you are having a nice time! :)

  15. I read your words nodding. This is a strange time but I feel time passing fast doing routine one by one and I find myself walking outdoors or using computer more. The red flowers give me solace with their inborn energy, and your lovely companion, too. Take care.


  16. I am glad to see you are well and wanted to let you know that I have restarted Nature Notes meme....Michelle

  17. Staycation has taken on a whole new meaning. Stay safe and happy. - Margy

  18. Good On You Two Kids - Excellent Photos - Dig That Happy Pup - Enjoy The Book




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