Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Journey To A Hidden Place (Part One)

Last Saturday was filled with an exciting trip to a place I have never visited before. It's funny, sometimes we travel to distant locations, in order to experience something new, but then we look around and see that there is so much to discover in our own backyard.

The place we visited is not really close, it took us a good three-hour drive to get there, but it was still enjoyable, since a lot of the travel included mountain roads. My dad actually heard about this place called Bistro Semisnica, located near Donji Vakuf, a small town up north. 

When we arrived we were greeted by the owner and the first sight was the first image I am posting. A small river breaks up and forms little waterfalls that engulf the bistro, making a semi-hot day very enjoyable.

This is a two part series:

click on the images for a bigger view

What is so special to me is that all sorts of animals roam around freely. They are completely used to the people visiting. I captured these ducks as they were crossing the small river.

This next image shows a mill, where the owner of the restaurant produces his own flour, that he then uses for making bread products.

The owners of the bistro have their own dog, who is watchfully guarding the place, but he is so lovable and quiet and friendly to everyone. You can come right up to him (as with all the other animals) and pet him.

There are small half-opened up houses where guests can eat and sit on rainy days.

Along the river bed you'll find small wooden benches for those guests who would simply like to enjoy some coffee and other refreshments.

As you can see the place is not too big, but on this Saturday it was filled with people. Despite that, the atmosphere was very calm, relaxing and inviting.

Stay tuned for part two, with more images and stories from this place. Let me know what you think of this place. Are there any tucked away places like this in your area?


  1. Hi Mersad,

    da ist ja wirklich ein Bild schöner als das andere !

    Echt tolle Aufnahmen !

    Grüße aus Berlin

  2. Beautiful scenery. I particularly like the first picture, where the water flows around the bistro. So picturesque. It reminded me the time I visited Vintgar Gorge in Slovenia. Not your country, I know, but not too far away.

    1. Vintgar Gorge is a phenomenal place. My parents have been to Bled, Slovenia, and the surrounding area. It's such a nice corner of this earth!

  3. What a beautiful place and definitely worth the 3 hr drive. Your first photo surely captures the beauty surrounding the diners.

  4. What a beautiful place. It looks so tucked away. So pretty.

    1. It really is tucked away. I actually don't have a picture of the last mile of the road that leads to it. There is no asphalt it's just a narrow mountain road that breaks off the main street!

  5. no water falls like this here in Florida, but there are many tucked away spots here.. this one is beautiful and a place i would love to visit. that first view is so pretty. the dog that lives there looks just like my dog Joey i had when in my teens. thanks for the visit to the bistro.. by rocking chair.

    1. So glad you liked it Sandra. Hope to see some of those locations on your blog soon!

  6. Mersad - What a lovely place! I think it was worth the drive. Is the lovely young lady in the photo your sister?

  7. What a lovely place! I would really enjoy a drink at the café on the top shot. I can almost hear the water running. Fantastic shots!

  8. the river and falls are heavenly!

  9. Lovely pictures, looks like a great outing.

    1. It really way. Hope you'll like part two.

  10. Great photographs, Mersad! And thank you for your recent visits to my blog. I will come here from time to time.

    I visited Croatia for the first time in June, as part of a cruise from Venice to Athens. Your post about Dubrovnik (GORGEOUS city) and Game of Thrones was fascinating. I don't watch that TV show, but I can imagine that Dubrovnik would be a perfect set.

    1. Thank you Jack. Glad to have you on board. Also glad that you enjoyed Dubrovnik in person as well through my images.

  11. In one way it could be Scotland (but for the roofs of the buildings - wood is rarely used) and in another it could be New Zealand. Either way it looks idyllic.

    1. Love to discover new places, and this was truly out of this world.



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