Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Why Traveling is More Important Now than Ever

The Importance of Travel in Today’s World

We live in a world of uncertainty these days. Over the past few years bad things and attacks have hit some of the most stable parts of the world. War is raging, innocent people are getting killed and the world can seem like a very cruel place to be in. Many lives have been lost and as one of the many consequences the tourism industry has suffered tremendously worldwide as a result of fear. I will have to say that, and I'm not getting into politics here, that fear is spread by the good guys as well as the bad guys. Whoever they may truly be.

Mark Twain said: "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime."
I think this still holds very true. To fight against fear, it is more important now than ever to travel. I believe that travel expands our minds, broadens our perspectives, and teaches us tolerance to cultures and mentalities that are different from our own. More importantly, travel opens our hearts and makes us more humane and compassionate towards others.

When we travel, especially across borders, we see that people are fundamentally the same, despite differences in culture, religion or belief. No matter what happens between countries and governments, people are people. We are all searching for the same things: a better life, a better future and more purpose.

Amidst all the negativity surrounding the world these days, we need to find more positivity and hope in our lives. And travel lets you do just that. Travel spreads love and shows us the kindness in people. There have been so many encounters with people during my own travels, that have shown their friendliness. Because of this, the importance of travel to me has always been incredibly clear.

It's amazing how different the stories on the ground can be to what we see on TV or in the newspapers. Once again, it goes to show that reality is different from what the media feeds us. So get out there and see for yourself. The world really isn’t such a scary place, no matter if it's made out to be that way..

In times of distress like these, we need to roam, we need to travel, we need to see. We need more love and hope in this world. We need to believe in others and see the beauty in people and the world once again. If we stop traveling, we stop flourishing. We stop accepting people who are different then us and we stop connecting with the world.We need to unite and stay together, because we are always more powerful as a unit. This is true in so many aspects of life. There’s a need for us to choose good over evil.

Let’s break down borders and build bridges that connect all of us, because together, we can fight fear by traveling.

So I will not stop visiting Istanbul. I will not cancel my plans for Spain and I will someday visit Brussels, Berlin and Paris. I will not stop dreaming about those places and I will continue planning my trip to Australia (I'm ever so hopeful). I know that bad things can, and do, happen. But I am hopeful that our collective response to this  is to continue choosing light over darkness , which is bound to eventually make a difference.

The world is too beautiful not to see it.


  1. You are right... I totally agree... but not everyone has the abilities to travel. That having said, I know you travel a lot and I am very glad for you that you are able to. Wishing you many more years filled with travels!

    Have a nice ABC-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

    1. Thank you Melody. Of course that side is true as well. But you can also read about it and generaly make impressions about places (by talking to people who travel for example) ouside of the informations we see on TV and other media.

  2. You write a very persuasive essay. And you are correct in what you say.

  3. Sehr schön geschrieben. Meine Gedanken sind auch nicht viel anders, und wir werden auch weiterreisen, aber ich muß trotzdem sagen, daß die gute Gefühle in uns schon teilweise weg sind, wir sind mit mehreren Fragezeichen und Sorgen unterwegs, als früher, aber nichts hält uns auf bei Reisen.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Natürlich, es geht einem nicht so einfach sich darüber hinauszusetzen. Freut mich aber das Du gleich denkst.

  4. I couldn't agree with you more! I'll never understand people who say they don't want to travel.

    1. Thanks Jackie. Of course there are other things that can stop you, but if you like to travel you can always find a way.

  5. Well said, Mersad. I've never had a lot of desire to travel outside my home country...not because of fear because fear hasn't always been an issue...but more because there is simply so much to see right here. And it's more easily accessible. But I'm so grateful to have met folks from around the world through blogging, and for many of the reasons you've stated in this post.

    1. Yeah, there is a LOT to see in the USA. I have been three times so far and want to come back to see even more, but of course different countries have different things to offer as well. Always enjoy reading about your travels.

  6. Well said! We can't let fear keep us from doing the things that we love.

  7. A wonderful, beautiful response to our troubled world
    I would like to travel more, but health issues limit what I can do.
    Hope you are having a great week!

    1. Thanks Lea. I wish you a great week as well.

  8. Lovely photography and yes travel can be fun, educational yet now it does not feel like it is fun to travel ~ security is so tight and rightfully so ~ just my thoughts ~

    Wishing you a peaceful week ~ ^_^

  9. As usual, fabulous images Mersad! Our world is so troubled at the moment. While I cannot afford to travel, I love visiting the blogs of those who do.

  10. You are so right--- I think of all of the misconceptions I've had of various places before sharing pictures on blogs and Facebook. It is unfortunate that some idiotic blowhards want to prevent people from traveling freely--- Our world is too small for a return to the nationalism of 70 or more years ago.

  11. Absolutely. It's a shame that travel isn't more affordable as it would be nice to truly experience a wider variety of cultures.
    Thanks so much for sharing your photography at

    1. Yeah that is often times to only thing that draws you back. But you don't have to travel constantly. Saving up for travelling once a year for example isn't too hard.

  12. I totally agree that what is reality and what the media would have us believe are two very different things. You show fantastic pictures, as always.

  13. ABSOLUTELY> My post next week touches on this. Unfortunately, the US has a xenophobic Prez, and we see like attitudes elsewhere. God help us all


    1. Looking forward to it. Thanks Roger

  14. I agree, Mersad. To paraphrase St Augustine: The world is a book and if one does not travel then one reads only one page of that book. That would be a sad way to live the one life we have.

  15. Very wise words Mersad! I wish I could travel all of the time!

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