Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Visiting Primosten [Part 1/3]: Sunset and Afterglow

This years summer vacation was broken down in many little pieces. A weekend here, a day visit there. It was time to find some rest before work starts again. I decided to visit Primosten, a small town in Croatia, a 20 minute ride south from Sibenik, which I had visited previously. Because I went with my friends two times before to the sea, this time i decided to go alone. Though only a two and a half hour drive away from home, it was still unusual to travel solo, something I hadn't done before. Primosten was the perfect destination for a relaxing summer vacation, since it's mostly beaches, restaurants and hotels. There aren't many people in the town, so it never gets too crowded. I this photo series I hope to show you some sights I captured with my camera.

This is a multi-part travel series. Other parts include:
Part 1: Sunset and Afterglow
Part 2: Old Town at Night
Part 3: Beaches of the City

After dinner in my hotel I went outside and started my walk. I could see the sun hanging on, just above sea line, so I know I had to get to the beach first in order to capture the sunset. What struck me first was how big the sun was. You can get some sense of it in these images. I looked to the other side and saw the old city bathed in the warm colors.

Sunset landscapes at the sea are always special to me. I love the reflection of light on the water, the dichotomy between the waves crashing into the rocks on shore. Nothing beats the light of sunset. I saw the sun go down completely and managed to be there for the final ten minutes.

Along the beach you will find cabanas you can rent as well as beach chairs. They are dotted along the shoreline and make for a nice sight. I did not use them however. I will show you the beaches of the city in detail in the final part.

After walking the beach I finally made it to the outskirts of the old town of Primosten. Another beach can be found in front of it, which is enclosed by buildings, shops and restaurants. Dusk had begun to settle and the lights came on. It was time to venture inside the old walls and else the town had to offer...

End of Part One
To be continued...


  1. Such relaxing pictures. Now, I want a vacation

    Click Here to see what Mrs. Dash Says

  2. That is just stunning.

  3. LOVE the cabanas and the sunlight makes the photos glow. the umbrellas are my favorite photos today...

    1. I like the cabanas as well. They were a really nice addition to the beach atmosphere.

  4. Lovely beach photos at sunset. Looks like many people were at the beach enjoying the view as well.

    1. Yes, It's a city full of night life.

  5. You found some great colour at the end of the day. I like how the chop on the water picks up the colour in the sky.

    1. Yeah, I like that too. It's like a reflection, which I really like.

  6. Beautiful photo's again Mersad, you are very lucky to be able to travel!

    Have a wonderful ABC=day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc=w=team)

    1. Thanks Melody. I think it's a blessing as well.

  7. Gorgeous! absoulutely beautiful! Have a great week!

  8. It looks so pretty and peaceful and also warm, I love the warm


  9. Just awesome.Loved the post.

  10. Stunning sunset, Mersad. I'm looking forward to part II and III!

  11. I imagine it seemed strange to travel without your faithful traveling buddies, but the place you chose seems perfect for a solo trip. I love the 9th and 10th images of the beach at sunset.

  12. Stunning and delightful as always! I am always amazed at the scenes in European and American beaches, always full of people, because here we have lots of beaches but not many go there!

  13. Very nice photos.
    Thanks for joining us at

  14. Wonderful captures and I agree with DeeDee: so relaxing.
    Thank you for hosting.

  15. very nice.

  16. Beautiful sunset images...

  17. You are absolutely right -- sunsets at sea are the absolute best. And I can't think of a better walk than to go along the coastline right into an old and beautiful town.... that is my idea of a perfect walk.

  18. Gorgeous beach and awesome sky captures. Wonderful post and photos. Enjoy your day!

  19. Just a perfect sunset with a perfect location. Beautiful!

  20. great shots of the sea!




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