Monday, September 11, 2017

Roses Designer Outlet in Zagreb [Through My Lens Nr. 111]

Upon returning from our recent Austria trip we stopped just outside of Zagreb to rest a little bit and have some lunch. I suggested the Roses Shopping Outlet which I had visited once previously. It's a relatively big outside mall which features many shops. We had lunch there and strolled the streets a little bit. It's convenient because it's located just next to the A1 highway so it's almost like a little reststop. I didn't have much time for shopping but I did enjoy the food. Hopefully you will enjoy the colorful facades of the shops.

Thank you all for joining me in another week of "Through My Lens". I am looking forward to your submissions this week!

Now I want to see what you have been up to. Link down below and share with the rest of us!

What "Through my lens" is about

This meme is about sharing your favorite blog post with the rest of us. The themes are open, there is only one rule: the images have to be taken by you. I want to see your photography!

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  1. Gosh they are so colourful. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week ahead

  2. very colorful place. :) Like it!

  3. looks the same around the world!

  4. This is Zagreb? Beautiful!

    Had to chuckle at the Wrangler sign. :) America is everywhere!

  5. Cool! We're pm a road trip this week.

  6. A charming place--- I wish outlet malls were as nice here.

  7. Such colorful shops! What a delightful place to stop.

  8. It is a beautiful and colourful shopping center.
    Thanks for hosting.

  9. Wow - those buildings are very brightly colored! Good way to get shopper's attentions.

  10. What a feast for the eyes! Love all the color. :)

  11. How colorful and people are fashionable in Zagreb in comparison with when we were there during the Iron Curtain time:)

  12. What a colourful shopping centre!

  13. Such wonderful vibrant colors!

  14. Looks like, a wonderful place to explore.

  15. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week. Beautiful place to visit.

  16. Toll gestaltet...und auch wenn ich nicht so der Shopping-Typ bezüglich Bekleidung bin, das würde mich dennoch reizen hinzugehen.

    Liebe Grüsse


  17. So beautiful place. Loved the post.
    Great pics.

  18. It doesn't look like Beni is too interested shopping. Perhaps the break was just enough.

  19. These are really worth sharing photographs, they are very awesome and live. Thanks for sharing them.
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  20. I did enjoy the colourful facades very much Mersad, in fact this is probably the nicest 'stopover' I've seen!

  21. Wow look at the colour of those buildings - quite amazing. Happy travels and have a fabulous week, and thank you again for the link up.

  22. I'd like to go shopping there!

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  24. Thankyou for sharing.

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