Saturday, January 17, 2015

Take a look in my family albums / Restoring old favorites

During a recent family gathering, my cousin and I revisited some photos in our old family albums. Some pictures were in albums, others were laying in boxes unsorted and not in a pretty shape, you know how it is. The image above wasn't in a bad shape, but I included it in this post since it's a old photo of me and my cousin (whom you had the joy of seeing on this blog a lot). 

The Restoration process is in full swing here right now. Photos are flying around left and right (that's why I didn't have a chance to post in a while here). Over 40 images have been restored so far, and I will share some of them in the upcoming posts, which will include before and after shots

A few were in a pretty bad shape, and you.ll also get to see those, but in a nutshell the clone stamp tool is the elementary tool for restoration. Also important are brushes. Sometimes parts of the image have to be painted back in, because so much has been damaged.

Below are a few photos i restored with comparisons! Hope you will enjoy a glimpse in our family photos.

 Yes, It's the 70s! :D

 My parents on their honeymoon in Dubrovnik

My cousin again (slightly younger in this one)

 My grandma on my fathers side

 A shot with my grandma and others from the old village where they lived

 My mom and dad on the Olympic games in 1984

 My grandpa in his rose garden


  1. Nice job! I have piles waiting for me to work on. ;)

  2. Tell me about it :D I have like 6 albums just in front of me. Am not even talking about all the photos in the basement! :D Hope you'll get productive soon!! Post some of yours too.

  3. Nice work! I should do the same with my old photos. Now tell me how you found the time. ;)

    Julie Magers Soulen Photography

  4. I have restored 40 Photos by now. I basically took 3-4 pictures a day and sat down after work, put some music on in the background and started restoring.

  5. Oh, a reminder for me too ;) The problem is I have 45 photo albums of my own + a dozen or more old family albums from my parents and grandparents... I shall have to be selective or it will take me the rest of my life!!!

  6. Great photos. Interesting blog, I would like to visit him. Greetings from Czech! / Peter

  7. I am impressed, Mersad. You've done wonders with the old photographs ... erm ... could I hire you to work on some of mine ... smiles.

  8. How neat to have a glimpse into your family! Great job restoring!

  9. Something I have never done and know nothing about, but your results are fantastic! Love the old photos. They are a treasure. :)

  10. it is amazing how much better they look in the after. i really like the last one of your grandpa in the rose garden.. you have a lot of work in front of you, but it will be fun to see them restored...

  11. a very nice project to undertake! your grandmother was beautiful.

  12. Fabulous job on the photo restorations. I had our wedding picture from 1972 done but the fellow didn't do that great of a job - the restored photo had lost definition somehow.
    I think the nicest part is now having the photos on your computer, although you say you have many albums to go through.
    My favourite is your grandfather's rose garden!

  13. Nicely done on all of these! Thank goodness for Photoshop is all I can say...

  14. You've done a great job on refreshing this old photos. I enjoyed the glimpses of the past.

  15. Oh, I just loved seeing your family photos! You are a genius in your restoration! I have quite a few I would love to get restored but am always afraid to have them "sent off" to have the work done. I don't trust the mail with these priceless mementos. I did have a friend do some work on the computer with one and he did a great job. But now he has moved away.

  16. Family tours are the best thing one can ask for. It is a treat for everyone to go to their dream destination with their families. So keep in mind whenever you plan a trip plan it with your family to make the most of it and make sure you enjoy every bit of it.

  17. Photography is what everyone relishes to do, but having a skill like this is a true talent. Refurbishing old photographs is like reliving those moments.

  18. Great Work! Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  19. Excellent article! Very helpful and clear.



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