Monday, September 19, 2016

Views from the Koski Mehmed-Pasha Mosque [Through My Lens Nr. 60]

We had some really great weather this past weekend (though it rained on Sunday) which made walking the city really enjoyable. We had friends visiting and did the obligatory walk through the Old Town of Mostar. This time we went to  the Koski Mehmed-Pasha Mosque. It really gives you the best views of the old bridge. Completed in 1618, this mosque is the second biggest in Mostar. It is placed just 150 meters north of the Old Bridge on the very edge of the river bank. That position gives an unforgettable view over the Old town from the mosque’s minaret. Here are some images for our afternoon and thank you for visiting and linking up.

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What "Through my lens" is about

This meme is about sharing your favorite blog post with the rest of us. The themes are open, there is only one rule: the images have to be taken by you.
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  1. sieht nach jeder menge spaß aus :-)
    tolle bilder und eindrücke !
    lg anja

  2. Das sieht wie aus einen Bilderbuch aus, wie im Märchen!
    Hab eine schöne Woche .. Frauke

    1. Du auch Frauke. Danke fürs vorbeischauen.

  3. Great and beautiful pictures!

  4. das ist eine tolle kulisse und so farbenprächtig. Wundervoll. Auf dem Bazar würde ich gerne bummeln :)
    Liebe grüße

  5. Absolutely gorgeous scenery, Mersad! You are surrounded with so much beauty. I've missed visiting your blog and linking up.

  6. Hi Mersad, i smiled when the best photographer is also trying to do a selfie, hehe!

  7. Immer wieder bin ich sehr beeindruckt von Mostar, und dein erstes Bild hat so strahlende Farben, da möchte man sofort dort sein.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Ich war auch lange nicht an dieser Stelle um Fotos zu machen.

  8. Fantastische Fotos - sieht nach viel Spaß aus.
    LG Christiane

  9. This place is so on my bucket list! We will get there eventually and now I know how to get the best shot, thanks!

    1. Thanks Brooke. I hope you make it out here some day.

  10. Such lovely sights, thanks for taking me along.

  11. Hi! The scenery is very beautiful. It's a nice trip. Thanks for sharing.

  12. the view of the old bridge makes me think of fairy tales and knights in shining armour

  13. Great shots, Mersad. The bridge is quite a famous sight worldwide.

  14. Love the colorful market square!!

  15. 1618 and still standing ... and looks great. I love old, well built, well preserved bridges and buildings. These are wonderful pictures, Mersad.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  16. Sehr schöne Bildern sind auf deinem Blog,heute gefällt mir besonders erste.. Ich war leider nur einmal kurz in deiner Heimat (Trn/Banja Luka/Radimilja und Mostar)auf der Durchreise. Aber es lohnt, länger zu bleiben, das sieht man an deinen Fotos.
    Viele Grüße aus Deutschland

  17. Fabulous photos Mersad, I like the thoughtful composition of the first photo. It looks like you had a wonderful time with your friends.
    Thanks for hosting once again and I wish you a great week ahead.

  18. Immer wieder laden mich deine Bilder dazu ein, Mostar und Umgebung im nächsten Sommer zu besuchen. Ich war noch nie in Bosnien-Herzegowina und sehe immer wieder hier, welch wundervolle Landschaften und Städte ich bisher verpasst habe.

  19. S tim blogom si pravi embasador Bosne u svijetu. Već planiram putovanje do Mostara :)

  20. I always love seeing your photos of the old bridge in Mostar.

  21. I would love to go for a walk there, or sit with you and your friends overlooking that bridge. Absolutely beautiful.

  22. That first frame is so beautiful!

  23. Thank you for hosting each week!!!

  24. Spectacular view of the bridge!

  25. Gorgeous first shot- it almost looks like a painting you and your friends are standing in front of. Love the cemetery shot also. Thanks for hosting!

  26. Beautiful view of the bridge.

  27. What a beautiful place! The bridge is picture-perfect.

  28. Es una ciudad preciosa, es puente es todo un emblema.



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