Monday, December 2, 2019

Entering December [Through My Lens Nr. 217]

There is a certain melancholy inside of me, as the last month of the year rings in. It has been a very hard year to get through, and as it comes to a close with December rolling in, one can't help but to look back. Nevertheless, this is the time of seasonal get togethers, and as people flock together, there is a change in the air. The city transforms, not only in terms of decoration, but also in spirit and atmosphere. The old town of Mostar is slowly fading into winter sleep, though on sunny days, there are still visitors in the city. The shops that surround the old bridge are mostly open and restaurants are also inviting guests. I took these images during a recent walk and had to share them here. It's still very nice for a visit. As the year comes to an end, it will be interesting to see, what life brings, and how the feelings of loss and departure are dealt with.

Thank you all for joining me in another week of "Through My Lens". I am looking forward to your submissions this week. I hope you will have a good one!

Now I want to see what you have been up to. Link down below and share with the rest of us!

What "Through my lens" is about

This meme is about sharing your favorite blog post with the rest of us. The themes are open, there is only one rule: the images have to be taken by you. I want to see your photography!

How this Photo meme Works

1. Share your favorite post under the linkup button below and follow the instructions there
2. Only share the url of your post, not the url of your main page
3. In your post link back to this post of "Through my lens" and visit others!

Please share this link-up with the image below.  
Or simply copy/paste this code in the HTML of your post


  1. Lovely walking round this lovely town with you Mersad. Thanks for hosting and have a great week ahead.

  2. Amazing place. Beautiful pics.
    Have a nice week ahead.

  3. These are all great pictures Mersad. I hope the season brings peace and love to you, your family, and your friends.

  4. Old town Mostar is very beautiful, Mersad. I know this has been a sad year for you as you lost your father. May happy memories console you.

  5. Lovely photos of your historic town, but not many tourists on the streets. The sunshine looks warm and pleasant.

  6. It still looks beautiful. We hardly saw the sun or blue sky here all November...

  7. WOW> That is straight from a picture book!

  8. I share your sense of melancholy this time of year - even with sunshine and blue skies of Greece overhead, there is that unescapable feeling of time's passing . . .way too fast! Beautiful photos!

  9. what a lovely look village. I would love to wander those streets and sit in a cafe. The end of the year is coming fast. It has been a mixed bag for us, but hoping for better health next year. I wish you and your family well. Thank you again for the link up.

  10. Such a beautiful town. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos.



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