Monday, December 16, 2019

Christmas Market in Mostar 2019 [Through My Lens Nr. 219]

The festivities are in full swing in Mostar, as the annual holiday market has opened up shop. The main walking lane in Mostar is filled with people strolling through the shops and seasonal decor. You can buy sweet treats like pancakes, crepes and cakes, then there are savory items like sausages and pizza. Of course you can buy and drink mulled vine. There is a ice skate ring, a concert stage and a carousel. It makes the city come to life at night and everything is open during the day as well. I took these images while on a nightly walk, and hope to get some dusk shots before the season is over.

Thank you all for joining me in another week of "Through My Lens". I am looking forward to your submissions this week. I hope you will have a good one!

Now I want to see what you have been up to. Link down below and share with the rest of us!

What "Through my lens" is about

This meme is about sharing your favorite blog post with the rest of us. The themes are open, there is only one rule: the images have to be taken by you. I want to see your photography!

How this Photo meme Works

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3. In your post link back to this post of "Through my lens" and visit others!

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  1. Beautiful photos of light and the market. Thank you so much for hosting!

    Happy Holidays!

  2. Lovely pictures, Mersad, but now I want some pizza!

  3. Gorgeous market photographs Mersad. Thanks for hosting and have a great but I am sure busy week ahead

  4. Beautiful Market! I’d love to see one like that. The heart arch made me smile!

  5. You have a wonderful looking Christmas market. Would love to do some shopping there.

  6. Lovely pictures. Merry Christmas!

  7. Oh I have only had mulled wine once and I really enjoyed it - Christmas in Australia in summer doesn't really lend itself to mulled wine. Something cold to drink is better! Have a great week and thanks again for the link up. Have a lovely Christmas.

  8. I love all the night lights of the holiday season. - Margy

  9. So very beautiful. Lovely.

  10. i want to testify about the great spell caster called Dr Azuka my husband and i have been married for 5 years now we don't have a child and the doctor told us i can't give birth because my womb have been damaged due to wrong drugs prescription this got me so worried and my husband was not happy so he decided to get married to another girl and divorce me i was so sad i told my friend about it she told me about a powerful spell caster she gave me his email address well i never believe in it that much though i just decided to give him a try and he told me it will take 24hrs to get my husband back to me and i will get pregnant i doubted him the 3rd day my husband came back to me and was crying he said he didn't want the divorce anymore 3 weeks after the doctor confirmed that i was pregnant he can also help you contact him via email: What’s app or call: +44 7520 636249‬

  11. We are heading towards the New Year 2020!!!!
    Get the most amazing and cheerful Happy new year wishes, quotes, messages, greetings, and texts that you can send to your dearest one to start fresh this new year.



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