Monday, January 16, 2023

The Long Winter [Through My Lens Nr. 371]

January can be a bit of a gloomy month for many people. The holiday season is over, and the days are still short and dark. But if you look closely, there is still beauty to be found in the deep winter season. The snow and ice can create a picturesque landscape, and the chill in the air can be invigorating. We don't have any snow yet here in the south of Europe. It's also a time for introspection and reflection, a chance to set goals and make plans for the coming year. Take the time to appreciate the quiet and stillness that winter brings, and find ways to make the most of it. Whether it's going for a walk in the snow, cozying up with a good book, or trying a new hobby, there are plenty of ways to find joy in the winter months.

Thank you all for joining me in another week of "Through My Lens". I am looking forward to your submissions this week. I hope you will have a great start into the new week!   

Now I want to see what you have been up to. Link down below and share with the rest of us!

What "Through my lens" is about

This meme is about sharing your favorite blog post with the rest of us. The themes are open, there is only one rule: the images have to be taken by you. I want to see your photography!

How this Photo meme Works

1. Share your favorite post under the linkup button below and follow the instructions there
2. Only share the url of your post, not the url of your main page
3. In your post link back to this post of "Through my lens" and visit others!

Please share this link-up with the image below.  

Or simply copy/paste this code in the HTML of your post


  1. You're right, of course.

  2. Like Bill says you are correct. I have been basking in the warmth of the Australia sun but soon to be back to minus degrees I am told Not looking forward to that Mersad. Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a good week ahead

  3. The building is majestic!

  4. ...a blue sky makes a huge difference, we have had few this month. Thanks for hosting.

  5. Another advantage of January is the low angle of light giving warmth to photographs as your pictures show.

  6. Looks great, Amazing clicks

  7. I like winter--I find it a quiet and cozy time. I hope you get some snow soon--it is good for the ground and rivers, etc.

  8. I haven't seen skies that blue since... well, last year, anyway :)

  9. Beautiful building and photos of it. Thanks for this party. It is fun to be taken away to on a virtual tour from the comfort of home when it is cold outside!

  10. What a beautiful place. Very nice.

  11. You captured some great golden light.



Image Credits

All Rights are Reserved. The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of the author.