Monday, November 21, 2016

Beni's Bath Time [Through My Lens Nr. 69]

When the weather outside is rainy and grey Beni gets dirty much more then usual. So bath time has to come much more often. I'm going to be honest, he doesn't like it, but he is a champ and pulls through. Of course as soon as he's clean again, he finds (sometimes even creative) ways to get dirty again. It's a give and take in the autumn and winter season. I hope your November isn't too grey and rainy, and to the other pet owners I feel your pain :) Thanks again for visiting and join us in another edition of "Through My Lens". If you haven't already check out our New England Travel series which is in full swing now, a new part is posted every other day. So make sure to take a look. Thank you!

Now I want to see what you have been up to. Link down below and share with the rest of us!

What "Through my lens" is about

This meme is about sharing your favorite blog post with the rest of us. The themes are open, there is only one rule: the images have to be taken by you.
I want to see your photography!

How this Photo meme Works

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  1. Beni looks like a very good dog, Mersad, and very soft and fluffy after his bath!

  2. He really ist a Champ ;-)
    Have a great week!
    Greetings from Germany ... Frauke

    1. You too Frauke. Thanks for linking gin!

  3. such a cute little one :-)

  4. Danke für meinen Lacher, denn ich musste lachen als ich gelesen habe das Beni gleich wieder gerne dafür sorgt schmutzig zu werden^^ Allerdings bei dem schön weissen Fell auch kein Wunder. Da sieht man ja jeden noch so kleinen Fleck. Jedenfalls ein voll Süsser und heute gibt es dann mal viele Streichler von mir.

    Euch einen schönen Wochenstart und viele Grüsse


  5. Such a cutie, Mersad!
    And that much white...
    He is made for cuddling ;)

    Happy new week!

  6. Tihiiii....wie er den Fön anschaut ;-D.....ich lach mich weg! Zum Piepen! Beni ist echt der niedlichste Hund ever! Rück ihn mal unbekannter Weise von mir! GlG Anne

  7. Great shots, Mersad. You've brought back memories of when we had a dog, Pepito, a little short-hair chihuahua. He used to enjoy his baths, though...

  8. ohhhh.... soooo flauschig!!!! mein hund mag es gar nicht geföhnt zu werden. und wenn er in die wanne soll, meint man gerade es wäre eine strafe. dabei schwimmt er überall wo es nur geht *lach*. also wasserscheu ist er nicht.
    Liebe grüße

  9. What a cute little dog :)

  10. Aw, he looks so fluffy and white like a snowflake :) Thanks for hosting!

  11. Our bath routine is quite different. For starters, Izzi goes to a Pet Parlor called the "Barker Shop" about once every 6 weeks which includes nails cut and combing out the layers of undercoat that she accumulates because she doesn't shed very much (thankfully). Our bath time, which is clean up the mess time, is in the shower with the detachable shower head and that is quite a watery mess which only happens in the most dire cases. Looks to me like Beni has the better deal :)Fun pictures, Mersad ... and Beni is adorable :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  12. thanks for the smiles, I smiled at the wet Beni and smiled really big at the fluffy Beni in his bed. adorable. Jake is our only dog that loves his bath. we have a walk in shower. I say Jake come on, time for your bath and he walks down the hall and into the shower, but he hates cold water baths outside with the garden hose in summer months.

  13. Beni is such a cutie! Great pics!

  14. So fluffy and soft. Looks like smiles and happiness.

  15. Beni is adorable, so fluffy with such a sweet face.

  16. Your dog is simply adorable and these are wonderful photographs of him it made me smile this morning. As I got to Lincoln yesterday and it's probably too late today but I'm getting a little bit forgetful sorry

  17. Wet Beni looks pathetic. But dry, fluffy Beni is adorable and cuddly.

  18. He's so cute! Our dog loved to swim, but hated to take a bath. :-)

  19. Ha! He does not look very happy about it but he does look beautifully white once you have done it


  20. Beni cleans up beautifully!

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